Saturday, March 5, 2011


Well! No one so far has posted on FBFB! soooooooo. . . . . I just decided to make a little post myself. How 'bout that huh? huh!? Huh?! HUH?! mhmm thought so. Okay well anywho. . . today I did something I've never done before in my whole life. (Not counting my baby life) I woke up before 6:00! :O no way! no way! you're lying! I know you are! You little liar! I actually woke up at 5:45 (a.m.)! And I don't just mean wake up, get into the car and sleep through the car trip to Idaho, I actually mean I woke up for the day at 5:45! After that we picked up Aj and traveled to the Provo temple. I did baptisms for the dead five times (like five times being dunked. Not going back to the temple four more times to do another baptism for the dead), and then we went home. So now, I'm really tired and I just went on a huge walk with tate and the dog riley (which I now regret) and so my feet feel like someone took a sledgehammer, stuck me on my head and pounded my feet to a pulp. So anyways now it's that special time!!!!!!!
Question! OF THE DAY!
QOTD: Which activities tire you more? *Aerobic activities? or ^Anaerobic activities?
AOTD: Aerobic for me. I usually can keep up a good pace in Anaerobic activities without getting tired. :)

*Aerobic: going for a long time in an activity using only about 3/4 of your energy
^Anaerobic: going for a short amount of time using your energy to the full extent


  1. Wow Isaac! That's awesome. I'm proud of you. Ya, you were tired but you'll just remember the happy feelings tomorrow :)

    Hmm, I'm going to say... Uh... I dunno. I guess aerobic too. Cause it takes longer I think to cool down. But running really quick and hard seems to be easier to get back to normal. But, once you run more often and get in shape I don't think aerobic is so bad. I still think running is boring, but I can do it more easily now.

  2. Oh wow! Nice job bubba. You're awesome, and you helped so many people. Did it feel good to wake up that early and get so much done?? Some days for me I feel good waking up early cause I get a lot done and other's i'm like... uh can I just go back to sleep?? heheheh.

    I would say Anaerobic for sure! Im glad you explained them because I wasn't sure, well I kind of was, what they were haha. I can't do something at full force for a short time I get so tired. I like taking it nice and slow for a long time I don't feel as tired, but it still feels good.
    are you learning about that in school or something?

  3. Well darn, Dana brings up a good point too! Maybe I'd just have to try both on like the same day and then decide. Hehe
